Google Funds an Assessment Practices, Policies and Principles BOOC

by Dan Hickey
This post describe the Big Open Online Course on assessment that was recently funded by Google.
I am happy to announce that Google has kindly supported our proposed Big Open Online Course on Educational Assessment for the Fall of 2013. Here is the press release from IU. If you are interested I just started a Google Group that we will use for announcements:
Make sure you click "join group" so you are able to receive updates and post messages.

The BOOC will be capped at 500 students and will use wikifolios and participatory assessment to support much more interaction and professional discourse than is typical in open online courses.  The university is allowing me to embed a for-credit course for student who complete all of the assignments and assessment and assemble their wikifolios into a term paper.  I will also teach this as a smaller for-credit fully online course in the Summer of 2013.

Both the course and the method embrace a lot of topics that we have covered here at Remediating Assessment.  Probably the most relevant is the discussion of digital badges from October 2012.  There is a post about using digital badges in college classes here, and Rebecca Itow and I also wrote a post about the role of reflections in participatory assessment.  


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